
'I lied about being pregnant': Girlfriends reveal the most shocking ways they've deceived their partners


  • Users of Whisper have been confessing the lies they tell their boyfriends

  • Many agreed that they had lied about their former relationships  

  • One admitted their whole relationship was a lie and she didn't love their boyfriend while another confessed she had faked a pregnancy 

When it comes to relationships, most partners will admit to bending the truth slightly or telling the odd white lie.

However, as these women prove, untruths can sometimes escalate to far more serious deceptions.

Users of the secret sharing app Whisper have revealed the worst lies they have told their boyfriends during their relationship and they will leave you shocked.

Taking advantage of the site's anonymity female users have disclosed the most shocking ways they have altered the truth.

For many of the women submitting confessions the main thing they withheld from their boyfriend was information about previous lovers.

One posted: 'I lied to my bf about the number of people I've slept with because I honestly can't remember'.

For a lot of women the main reason they lie to their partners was over past relationships Several women admitted that they didn't want their partner to know how many people they had slept with This girlfriend is eager to keep the fact that she slept with her boyfriend's best friend a secret

nother woman admitted that she was lying to herself too, adding: 'I lie to my boyfriend about how many guys I've been with so I appear more innocent. I've convinced myself one night stands don't count.'

Another confession said: 'I lied to my boyfriend about who I had sex with. Just because I don't want him to know I had sex with his best friend the day before we got together.'

One woman added: 'I lied to my boyfriend about having never been kissed. I lied because my first kiss was a girl and he doesn't know I'm bi'.

Other lies were fart less earth shattering than others such as this woman who just wanted alone time That seemed to be the case for many women who didn't want to hurt their boyfriend's feelings by not wanting to spend time with them This woman admitted that she just liked testing the water with her liesOne user admitted that she wanted to her boyfriend to think she was at the gym when in reality she was napping 

For other women their lies came with far more dire consequences, including one girlfriend who had faked a pregnancy.

She revealed: 'I lied to my boyfriend about being pregnant. Now I have to either really get pregnant or pretend I miscarried'.

While another user admitted that her whole relationship was a lie when she said: 'I lie to my boyfriend when I tell him I love him. I just don't want to be alone.'

Another woman admitted to lying about her financial situation in order to avoid forking out on dates This user admits she tells lies about the contraception she takes in order to protect herself

Some of the lies were far less earth shattering with many women admitting they tell white lies to enjoy some alone time.

One women said: 'Today I lied to my boyfriend about being busy because I just didn't want to be near anyone. I stayed home watching Netflix and murder shows.'

Several users said that they told lies for no reason revealing that even they didn't know why they lied.

Said one: 'Sometimes I lie to my boyfriend about meaningless s***. Like tell him I'm watching Family Guy while I'm really watching American Dad. Don't know why I do it.'

Another added:  'I lie to my boyfriend and tell him I'm going out and to call me repeatedly id I don't call by a certain time just to see if he cares'.

Another user admitted that her whole relationship was a lie and that she didn't love her man In another case a woman was concerned about how her boyfriend would handle her sexualityThis woman revealed that her boyfriend was delusional for believing that her breast size was bigger just because she told him soOne user said that she lied about her boyfriend's ex-girlfriend's behaviour so that he would stop talking to her 


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